Baptism: 21st March 1854
Marriages: 3rd April 1854
Confirmation: 1913
Prior to these dates the records may be held in St Patrick’s Church, Donegall Street, Belfast.
Other Sources:
General Register Office for NI – NISRA, Colby House, Stranmillis Court. Belfast, BT9 5RR
Public Records Office for NI – Titanic Boulevard, Belfast
The Ulster Historical Foundation – Belfast.
Because of the time involved in searching the parish records a charge of £10.00 sterling or equivalent will be levied for every ten years or part thereof of each register searched, whether information is found or not.
Certificates can be issued at a cost of £5.00 each.
Please complete this form Researching your family tree with as much factual information as you have, i.e. names and dates and forward it to the parish office. Searches must be paid for in advance. Cheques made payable in the name of the parish you are searching, e.g. St James Parish; Parish of Greencastle; Parish of Whitehouse or you may prefer to pay by online bank transfer. Bank details can be obtained from the parish office.
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BT36 7DG
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